Name | Description | Type |
BorrowerID |
The Borrower ID |
string |
_AccountIdentifier |
The Account Identifier |
string |
_CashOrMarketValueAmount |
The Cash Or Market Value Amount |
string |
_Type |
The Type |
EG.WS.MISMO.Standard.MISMO231.AssetType |
_VerifiedIndicator |
The Verified Indicator |
EG.WS.MISMO.Standard.MISMO231.AssetVerifiedIndicator |
_HolderName |
The Holder Name |
string |
_HolderStreetAddress |
The Holder Street Address |
string |
_HolderCity |
The Holder City |
string |
_HolderState |
The Holder State |
string |
_HolderPostalCode |
The Holder Postal Code |
string |
AutomobileMakeDescription |
The Automobile Make Description |
string |
AutomobileModelYear |
The Automobile Model Year |
string |
LifeInsuranceFaceValueAmount |
The Life Insurance Face Value Amount |
string |
OtherAssetTypeDescription |
The Other Asset Type Description |
string |
StockBondMutualFundShareCount |
The Stock Bond Mutual Fund Share Count |
string |