Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
_Format |
Designate the response format type for the service or product being requested |
EG.WS.MISMO.Standard.MISMO231.PreferredResponseFormat |
Required |
_Method |
Specifies the method for delivering the insurance document |
EG.WS.MISMO.Standard.MISMO231.PreferredResponseMethod | |
_Destination |
A text description of the destination to which theresponse should be delivered |
string | |
_FormatOtherDescription |
The Format Other Description |
string | |
_MethodOther |
The Method Other |
string | |
_UseEmbeddedFileIndicator |
Set to Y if the specified Preferred Response is to be contained in the Embedded File element. Set to N if it is to be provided as a separate file |
EG.WS.MISMO.Standard.MISMO231.UseEmbeddedFileIndicator | |
MIMEType |
Indicates the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions type of the data in the DOCUMENT container |
string | |
_VersionIdentifier |
The Version Identifier |
string |